A familiar Yoruba saying that simply means "Your character is your beauty"
When we hear the word 'beauty'" we tend to turn heads to the female, but this applies to both gender (Male and Female).
Character simply means your moral strength. it can also be termed as one's attitude or behavior. we must understand that it's adds value when gotten right.
This brings us back to its bedrock ,the foundation -"Family". This institute/group doesn't necessary mean relation by blood. Speak of the orphans and those who ain't privilege to live with parent. Family connote people in relationship of love, people whose companion gives joy, consciously or unconsciously laying themselves as an example and influence over you. Mind you, these influences there by forms your morals and relationship out there with people.
"In all your getting, get value".
As human, Having a right attitude and moral is a value that helps to maintain all that which we acquire in life.
For some lucky ones with a silver spoon ,I call it 'Free-Pass'. I mean literally every aspect works out well, academics, money and career is given on platter of gold , still what speaks louder and helps sustain all is your moral strength.
And those with the mild background that needs to strive before given passes in life still needs moral strength to keep going .You never can tell where it's will speak for you.
"Your character is your footprint"
It's protrays your true self ,which indeed is your inner beauty. This gives people a glimpse of who you really are .
It's not enough to have intelligence or talent cause it's a flop without morals
Your character is known in the doing .
Being quite, gentle or being an introvert will be tested to reveal whether you of good or bad character. How? Your response, reactions, manner of approach, how you see opportunities and handle them will go a long way to proof your worth.
As you go out connecting and relating with people, imitate and associate with people of good morals, keep companies that add values to you.
"Bad company corrupt good manner."
Character will show your self worth irrespective of your age, gender and even your religious sect.
I was told of an old but yet, true life story of a family who gave out their daughter in marriage just because the man protrayed and lived a godly, submissive and moral life that spoke for him and was told all about in different villages. The bride's family was know to be a puritanic, who never gives out or want to associate with any other religion. Knowing fully well that the man was from a different religion gave out their daughter willingly and honorably.
The man and the daughter given out turns out to be my grandparents( of blessed memory).
Your value is your worth
You worth what you value
Make it count!
Beautiful piece...More Grace