
Showing posts from January, 2024

What's your definition of purpose?

While growing up, I used to think life goes  this way: Finish my higher education, Get a good-paying job that will settle my bills. My own kind of comfort, with a bit of luxury. Then, I get to further my education or probably get an interesting engagement, As long as the bag is steady. But life hasn’t dealt much with me when I realized this isn’t how I want to live. This structure isn’t satisfying. Having had the opportunity to work as a volunteer in different work spaces and walk with different people,  I have seen the frustration, dissatisfaction, and the death in the eyes of men. The lamentation and murmuring goes on and on. Like the saying goes, “ more money, more problems."😓 This isn’t born out of greed; It's just the way we are wired to never rest until we find the meaning to our existence. Unfortunately, not every man achieves life's purpose, or, I’d say, we all have different perspectives on what life should be as opposed to what it is meant to be. No doubt, human...