
"Nigeria" Motherland,My home In thy blossom I lay I watch as ... All feets race towards thee Thy breast flowing with Milk and Honey. Every hand stretches to snatch off thy goodness Yes ! you have given in-Embracing Beaten and battered , Exploited and exposed. Look !All thy children are scattered, Some imitator of thy foolishness, Some gone with thy goodness Look! thy children suffer malnutrition, Fear and insecurities, How cowardly ,they shuddered. One question rest on my mind, Mother,Can you still own up to your inadequacies? Can you till gather your children ? Stop the Facade- Copy cat! Can we still work towards one?-undivided Can you teach us? that we might be planted, Even for the sake of generations unborn. My plead, As thy Creator bestowed ageless beauty Thy Children shall be ever-green Grey Diamonds,wow! you just turned sixty! Thy children shall flourish Even in this clouds that we might see the silver linings. Like a wind, aw...